Phase I Environmental Site Assessments During the COVID-19 Crisis
Waterstone is continuing to perform Phase I Environmental Site Assessments during the COVID-19 crisis/

Environmental Agency On-Going Services and Support During COVID-19
To assist you in your environmental planning, Waterstone has made inquiries with numerous agencies in southern California regarding how each

Waterstone Environmental's COVID-19 Client Support Policy
The health and safety of Waterstone’s clients and employees is our highest priority.

Waterstone Environmental's COVID-19 Client Support Policy
A Message from Waterstone President Jeffrey Dagdigian: The health and safety of Waterstone’s clients and employees is our highest...

Changes in Business Plan Submittal Requirements
AB1429 changes to the reporting frequency for Hazardous Material Business Plans

NPDES and WDR Self-Monitoring
It’s common in Southern California to discharge groundwater from dewatering operations (for instance, with a sump pump such as the one on...

Hazardous Material Business Plans
What is a Hazardous Materials Business Plan? Hazardous Materials Business Plans (HMBP's) exist in order to provide the public, emergency...

Aerial Photography
Aerial photographs can be a key piece of information when determining the history of a property. Aerial photographs are one piece of the...

July 2015 Soil Gas Advisory - What's New?
Waterstone will conduct your subsurface investigation in accordance with the most current regulatory guidances. For active soil gas...

Stormwater Permits and the New Water Year
The new stormwater year begins October 1, 2015. Time to start watching the weather reports and scheduling your monthly inspections in...