PCB Mitigation
Project Manager: Elizabeth Gonzalez, PE
Waterstone was retained by an active steel manufacturing plant to assess the source and extent of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) impact identified in the basement of a former plate mill which was being retrofitted for use as a pipe mill. Extensive characterization sampling was conducted within the concrete walls and floors of the facility in order to define the extent of contamination. Affected building surfaces which had the potential for human exposure were mechanically prepped and encapsulated with a double layer epoxy system which is regularly inspected and maintained as a part of an approved Operations and Maintenance Monitoring Plan (OMMP). All work was conducted in coordination with and under the regulatory oversight of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to facilitate a risk-based TSCA approval for encapsulation of the affected building materials.

Former Refinery Remediation and Redevelopment
Project Manager: Mindy Jenkins, PG
Waterstone was retained by a commercial property developer to assess environmental issues and perform remedial activities associated with a large, former petroleum refinery which started operation in the 1930s. Waterstone conducted environmental impact source area soil removal, developed and implemented sampling plans, performed site-wide investigation of soil below existing historic features, conducted shallow soil excavation and disposal, and coordinated with the development team for groundwater treatment system installation to accommodate property redevelopment. All work was conducted under the oversight of the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, South Coast Air Quality Management District, and Santa Fe Springs Fire Department.
Residential Redevelopment - Former Unocal Hartley Research Center
Project Manager: Mark Shifflett
Waterstone was tasked with the evaluation of a 120-acre facility in operation in Brea since the 1950s to identify areas of soil impact requiring remediation in preparation for residential redevelopment; development of remedial workplans; site-wide investigation of soil; soil remediation by excavation, offsite disposal and deep onsite burial. All work was conducted under the regulatory oversight of the Orange County Health Care Agency and Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Low-Threat UST Closure Policy - LAUSD West Hollywood Elementary School
Project Manager: Brianne Archer, PE
As an approved environmental contractor for LAUSD, Waterstone was selected to prepare a Soil Sampling and Soil Gas Survey Workplan in response to a directive from the LARWQCB. The RWQCB approved the workplan in a letter dated April 20, 2015. Waterstone conducted the supplemental site investigation and submitted the LUST– Low-Threat Closure Request Report in July 2015. On October 12, 2015, LAUSD received Pre-Closure Notification for the school and the final closure letter was issued on January 4, 2016.

Litigation Support - Chlorinated Solvent Impact at Former Dry Cleaners
Project Manager: Jeffery Dagdigian, PhD
Waterstone provided litigation support to the owner of a retail center with groundwater impacted by chlorinated solvents. Waterstone provided expert witness deposition and trial testimony to demonstrate that solvents originated from defects in an offsite sanitary sewer and had migrated beneath the plaintiff’s facility. The solvents had been discharged to the sanitary sewer from an automotive repair shop formerly located on the Subject Property and a former dry cleaning operation at the retail center. In addition, a smaller release of PCE had occurred onsite from the former dry cleaning facility. Research of the surrounding area did not identify any other potential sources. Waterstone personnel designed a sampling plan performed by plaintiff’s consultant which confirmed that the sewer was the source of groundwater impact. A cost estimate was prepared for remediation of the groundwater in accordance with the requirements of the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board. The court ruled in favor of plaintiff on causation and the case was settled.
Soil and Soil Vapor Remediation - Commercial Redevelopment at Former Dry Cleaners
Project Manager: William Henry
Waterstone was retained by a law firm for a property owner to perform a Phase II soil and soil vapor investigation and to conduct site mitigation activities on an approximate five acre parcel presently under construction for future commercial use. Historical soil vapor sampling showed that the site was impacted by PCE from dry cleaning operations that were conducted at the along the northeastern portion of the site prior to its redevelopment. The investigation and follow up initiation of mitigation activities are being conducted concurrent with site construction activities.

Confidential RCRA Permitted Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility
Project Manager: Elizabeth Gonzalez, PE
Waterstone was retained to provide environmental compliance activities required based on a Corrective Action Consent Agreement (CACA) between the facility and the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) and a RCRA Facility Assessment prepared by the DTSC. Located on a 3-acre lot, facility operations include, a hazardous waste storage warehouse, an outdoor bulk receiving/loading rail spur, a waste consolidation area, a solvent recycling/distillation system, a solvent bottling area, a tank farm consisting of twenty four 10,000 gallon above ground storage tanks, finished product warehousing and a paint manufacturing operation. Primary TSDF activities include paint waste storage, recycling, and solvent recovery as well as fuel blending and solids compacting.

Oil Field Redevelopment - Villages at Heritage Springs
Project Manager: Nancy Beresky
Waterstone was retained by the City of Santa Fe Springs to research the feasibility of residential redevelopment on a 54-acre piece of the Santa Fe Springs oil field. After Waterstone prepared the feasibility study and cost options for remediation, Waterstone was retained to perform an extensive investigation including soil sampling, vapor sampling, and groundwater sampling at over 100 areas of concern for a group of entities consisting of the City, the oil company, and the developer. After site characterization was complete, Waterstone prepared a Remedial Action Plan including a risk assessment to define the 39 areas of concern that required remediation. Waterstone performed 72 days of remediation by excavation, removing 75,000 tons of soil from former sump and tank farm areas. Waterstone collected confirmation samples and used these in a final risk assessment to demonstrate that the site was suitable for residential development. All work was conducted under the regulatory oversight of the local Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) with additional oversight by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA). The site has been successfully redeveloped as the Villages at Heritage Springs residential neighborhood.