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Waterstone Environmental's COVID-19 Client Support Policy

A Message from Waterstone President Jeffrey Dagdigian:

The health and safety of Waterstone’s clients and employees is our highest priority. As we continue to actively monitor developments related to coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to assure you that Waterstone is taking all necessary health and safety precautions in accordance with the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and local and state health officials for both our clients and employees. The purpose of this letter is to make you aware of the precautions Waterstone is taking to protect the health and safety of our colleagues, their families, our customers and our communities while maintaining a consistent level of customer care.

Prioritizing Health and Safety

Our staff is committed to a “Safety First – Act Responsibly” policy for managing their health and minimize the potential spread of this disease. They have been empowered to evaluate all consulting activities to determine whether they are being performed in a safe and healthful manner. If an activity does not meet these basic criteria, I have requested that it be modified to be safe or even cancelled to be rescheduled at a future date.

All Waterstone employees have pledged to act responsibly by following all CDC, State, and County guidelines. All employees have been familiarized with the common symptoms of COVID-19, and some of the less common symptoms, and have agreed to isolate themselves and alert others if they show any of these symptoms. Our team has agreed to practice social distancing, good respiratory hygiene, and to seek medical care early.

We have shifted to a remote working environment and have established guidelines that enable our employees to effectively and efficiently provide customer care remotely and meet our work commitments to you. We will have a skeletal crew in the office to manage the mail, answer the telephones, take and forward client messages, and accept packages and deliveries. Our office staff is committed to facilitating your communications with our staff and other needs while our staff is working from home.

Managing Face-to-Face Meetings and Fieldwork

All non-essential travel for our employees has been canceled. We will not be conducting face-to-face meetings. For meetings with our clients, we will coordinate with you to set up either a Go-to-Meeting, Skype, Microsoft TEAMS, or a conference call so that we can continue to serve in you in the highest manner. Our previous experience with these technology tools has shown us they can be very effective and even increase efficiencies by eliminating travel time to and from meetings.

For the time being, we are managing all fieldwork on a site-by-site basis. For those jobs which are easily rescheduled, we are rescheduling them 2-4 weeks into the future. For time sensitive work, we are making every effort to complete the field tasks within the committed timeframe.

At some point in the future, our driller and laboratory subcontractors maybe unable to continue working – we will promptly notify you if this occurs and reschedule any fieldwork in a timely manner.

It is also possible that there will be delays in regulatory review and approvals of deliverables, such as workplans and closure requests. We will consult with you as we get more information on the status of regulatory agencies and their ability to perform routine services. As of now, the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) is reporting on their website that they are continuing day-to-day work and developing solutions to allow for upcoming board meetings to proceed with opportunities for remote participation. We expect other agencies are following this model.

Our Commitment

We are prepared to help you navigate through these challenging circumstances with our commitment to you at the forefront of everything we do. Waterstone greatly values our partnership with you, and we are committed to helping you through this unprecedented situation.

As this situation continues to evolve, we will be sharing our thoughts and new solutions to provide you with high-quality environmental consulting service.

If you have any questions, concerns, or if there is anything we can do to help you at this time, please reach out to your project manager (see attached list). You are always welcome to call me on my cell at 714-310-4180 if you need help completing your project.

We wish you, your teams, and your loved ones all the very best.

Sincerely Yours,

Jeffrey Dagdigian, PhD


Waterstone Environmental

Waterstone Staff Contact Information

Bill Henry, Principal Geologist,, (714) 749-6855

Brianne Archer, Supervising Engineer,, (310) 259-4167

Elizabeth Gonzalez, Principal Engineer,, (714) 310-4182

Heather Fields, Senior Environmental Scientist,, (530) 391-0600

Jeff Dagdigian, President,, (714) 310-4180

Mark Shifflett, Principal Scientist,, (714) 595-0894

Matt Dumont, Assistant Engineer,, (603) 391-8244

Mindy Jenkins, Supervising Geologist,, (714) 595-8156

Nancy Beresky, Managing Principal Hydrogeologist,, (714) 310-4188

Richard Vogl, Principal Hydrogeologist,, (714) 615-0585

Travis Dagdigian, AssociateGeologist,, (562) 743-2311


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