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All I Want for Christmas...

To say that this year has been challenging is probably the most overused statement of the year. Given we are entering the holiday season, I am proposing we take a 180 degree turn from the world’s troubles and examine all the things for which we have to be t

hankful. Among the things I am thankful for are our great clients and the fantastic projects they bring to us. For this we are thankful and we wish you continued success in the years to come.

All I want for Christmas…

We are all familiar with the continuing saga surrounding soil gas and related vapor intrusion attenuation factors. The EPA’s latest guidance document suggests that 3% of the vapors in soil gas will migrate from the soil into the breathable air space of the building above. The consequence of this assumption is that the acceptable soil gas concentration for PCE under the guidance will now be 30 times lower, making it nearly impossible for traditional remedial technologies to cleanup to this standard. The good news is that the DTSC has conducted a study of their own to determine “California” specific attenuation factors - the final report of the DTSC “California” specific study is due in December of this year.

All I want for Christmas …

The 2021 update to the ASTM E1527 Phase I ESA Standard is under review and due to come out in December 2021, but what will be new and different? The ASTM’s dedicated Phase I ESA Task Group has indicated that the new standard will provide improved definitions, an increased focus on historical research requirements for both Subject Property and adjacent off-site properties, greater detail for site inspection requirements, and an update on how to handle emerging contaminants, including the group of chemicals known as per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). We hope to have an update by this time next year to provide you all with the final changes, as well as what it may mean for future due diligence projects.

All I want for Christmas…

Technology has played a large role in working efficiently from home. While we continue to adjust to a new work routine, using apps like Zoom and Teams has helped us to maintain constant communication with clients as well as collaborate in-house on projects. We hope to continue to explore and rely upon innovative tools to provide clients like you with informative, easy to manage, solutions for your project needs.

All I want for Christmas…

Normally at this time of year we are busy sending out holiday cards and chocolates to our clients. This year we decided to skip the client gifts in favor of applying those resources to help individuals and families that are in need due to the disastrous economic effects of the global pandemic. Waterstone is making significant contributions to “Feeding America” and “No Kid Hungry.”

We hope you will support our efforts and maybe even make a gift of your own.

Holiday Cheer…

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or engage in other traditions during this time of year, the Waterstone family hopes that all the wishes of you and your loved ones come true.

Happy Holidays and best wishes for a fantastic New Year from the Waterstone Team:

Jeffrey, Mariam, Mark, Elizabeth, Rusty, Mindy, Brianne, Heather, Travis, Matt, and Isabella



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